Brand / business videography is the next BIG thing.

What are you waiting for?


What is brand / business videography?

So, you already have brand images, and now you’re wondering - what’s next? Well, brand (business) video may be your answer.

Brand (business) videography is video that captures you sharing your story about who you are, why you do what you do, how you do it, and how you can solve your ideal client’s pain points. With social media promoting video nowadays, having a brand video under your belt is a great way to stand out from your competitors and really show your audience who you are.

We offer our clients both full-length brand / business video and short-form videos that they can use on their website, socials, and more.

Need a brand / business video example? Well, we are SO glad you asked…

Small Business Brand Video

Connections Counseling Center

Corporate Brand Video

Environmental Express

Refreshing Moments With Sharon

Short-Form Video for Socials

Duni Group

Capture the essence of your brand with our expert brand videographer. We specialize in creating visually stunning and captivating videos that tell your unique story. Elevate your brand's image and engage your audience with our professional brand videography services. Charleston, SC

Common questions we get about brand / business video!

How will branding videography help my business get more clients?

Branding videography will allow you to engage with your audience in ways that you never thought possible before. Photos are great, but brand video is NEXT LEVEL. It allows your audience to hear your voice, see you in action, and therefore can establish even more trust than just with brand photos.

Do I need to sign up for a brand photo shoot as well, or can I just do a brand video shoot?

If you just want video, then no problem! We offer a package that includes both video and photo, just photo, and just video. You are free to choose whatever you feel is best for your business!

Do I receive both a brand video and short-form clips?

If you decide that you would like a full brand video, short form clips are included in the package. However, if you are not ready for a full brand video just yet, we do offer an option that includes short-form clips only.

What can I use the brand video for?

You can use your brand video for a multitude of purposes - on your website, socials, online courses, podcasts, email, advertisement, and more.

Where are you located?

We are located in Charleston, South Carolina and are able to travel up to 25 miles before charging a travel fee.

What is the turnaround time for receiving my videos?

Turn around time for branding videography is 15-30 business days from your video shoot day, depending on the complexity of the video.

Ready to up-level your biz with brand (business) videography?!

Give us your name, email, what your business is, and we’ll be in touch very shortly! Even if you’re still not sure that you are ready yet, let’s talk through it.