Professional Headshots in Charleston, SC!

When was the last time you had your headshot taken?

If it’s been more than one year, you are due for an update! As the seasons change, so do humans! It is critical to have an updated headshot/portrait of yourself - whether you work for a company or own your own business. Your customers and clients want to know that they are doing business with a relevant person, and if your headshot is out of date, they will feel like you are too!

Professional headshots in Charleston, SC!

We recently photographed 75 headshots for a business based in Charleston, SC. We set up a gray background with our lights and got to work!

These include male and female headshots, headshot examples, business headshots, corporate headshots, and portraits.

Remember that professional headshots and portraits can be used on your website, business cards, social media, email campaigns, and more. They are extremely versatile and are necessary for all of your marketing needs!

Connect with your audience with headshots, branding, and portrait photography! We are your go-to branding and portrait photographer based in Charleston, SC. And if you would like to book a session with us, click below!

Michelle Fiorello